A Pascalian Moment? What to Do in a Time of Quarantine

This is good and helpful advice from Bishop Robert Barron, for what to do during a time of isolation. Anyone with a copy of Bob Dylan’s Desire on his bookshelf must be okay…

His advice? Read a gospel using the method of Lectio Divina. Or read a spiritual classic whether ancient or modern. If you must be alone, find a beautiful place to meditate and pray. I don’t think that I will take up his admonition to pray the Rosary, but I might pray the Lord’s Prayer slowly and thoughtfully. Put away your iPhone…

One thought on “A Pascalian Moment? What to Do in a Time of Quarantine

  1. Finally someone mentioning Blaise Pascal. I was a bit disappointed he wasn’t mentioned in the Theology books or church history at all. I did my graduate French exam ( long ,long ago..)on pensees by Pascal. Loved it:) thank you for sharing this.

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