Some edited books from friends have recently hit the shelves:
Brian Harris is co-editor of a new book on Stanley Grenz’s legacy. I have just taken possession of Revisioning, Renewing, Rediscovering the Triune Center.
I was at the meetings in San Diego when the book was formally launched in November last year. I remember being a little intrigued at the discussion in the AAR meeting and realised that Stanley’s legacy is disputed, with some wanting to paint him as a bold progressive while others wanted to view him as bold and progressive, but still definitely within the tradition of evangelical pietism. In my view the latter are more correct. Nevertheless, I look forward to wading through the essays in the volume when I have a little more time.
Matt Malcolm’s All That The Prophets Have Declared on the way the New Testament uses the Old Testament is now out and available.
Rachel Held Evans expressed a little surprise and much gratitude for a fairly positive review from Gospel Coalition for her new work Searching for Sunday.
This looks like it may be an interesting read on the idea of “manhood.” See an initial publisher’s review here.
The prevalence of this cultural system on the pages of Scripture, in cultures around the world, and throughout history can easily lead to the assumption that patriarchy is divinely ordained. Patriarchy is not the Bible’s message. It is the fallen cultural backdrop to the problem of manhood, one which the gospel counters at every turn.