Later this month I have been asked to MC a “gracious dialogue” between Dr Hugh Ross and Dr Carl Wieland, who are both in Perth by happy happenstance! The two leaders of their respective organisations, Drs Ross and Wieland represent two divergent views concerning the When of creation: is the earth billions of years old, or is its age to be measured in the thousands of years?
Both scientists will present the case for their view, engage each other with questions, and respond to questions from the audience. This will be the first time these two gentlemen have met, and it promises to be an interesting and informative evening. If you’re in WA and interested in the relation of science and faith, science and Scripture, why not plan to join us in South Perth on April 23rd?
I am entirely convinced that hundreds of years of astronomy and related sciences have presented a believable beginning to the universe. To put all of this aside and cling to an interpretation which is absurd in its telescoping of events I find totally unsatisfactory. I believe that Dr Ross’s Christian agreement with current cosmology is the way to go.
Thanks Roger! I think it will be an interesting evening, though as a non-scientist I hope I can follow their arguments. I agree that it is a matter of interpretation of Scripture, rather than Scripture itself.