
Meteor ShowerIt has been a very busy few weeks without much time for blogging. But there have also been some highlights, including  a great young adults meeting at Carey Baptist Church where we explored the use of Scripture in ethics. The leaders down there are doing a great job of helping their young adults think Christianly about their life, to have a thinking faith. It was a privilege to be a part of it.

A friend alerted me to the Perseid Meteor Shower scheduled to peak tomorrow and Wednesday nights.  See the Perth Observatory for information about local times. I live in a very well-lit neighbourhood which might make it difficult for me to see…

Really enjoyed seeing this video … moments of surprise and community building on a Perth train. I tried to embed the video here, but it didn’t work – sad face!Pastor Theologian

Finally, I have just ordered this book. I saw the promo and thought it could reflect priorities that are important to me. Hopefully more and more pastors will see themselves as pastor-theologians in the vein of Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Edwards, Wesley, Barth, and countless other unknown and less-than-celebrated but faithful shepherds. Once I have read it, I will write a review.